This video is for service providers who might encounter women who have experienced non-fatal strangulation as a part of sexual assault or intimate partner violence, in their service provision.

It showcases the work undertaken by women’s health centres across NSW to improve professional capacity to recognise and respond to non-fatal strangulation, sexual choking and acquired brain injury. In the short video (just over seven minutes) the team at Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre take you through how to ask women about these issues and the benefits of creating a strong, multidisciplinary referral pathway.

The signs and symptoms of non-fatal strangulation are also covered from the perspective of an emergency department physician and a medical forensic examiner and trainer. The video shows women’s health centres are important points of contact for women experiencing these health and safety issues.

It was made by Women’s Health NSW and Digital Storytellers in December 2024 using monies from the Sexual Violence Project Fund administered by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

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