It Left No Marks postcard, poster and wallet card

Want to tell women accessing your service about It Left No Marks? This is a series of print-ready promotional resources designed to connect women to this Women’s Health NSW website and the information it contains about strangulation and sexual choking. Each of these print-ready PDFs resources are presented in CMYK with bleed and crop marks…


An introduction to sexual assault related non-fatal strangulation and acquired brain injury

These training videos have been designed to improve service provider responses to women who have experienced non-fatal strangulation and who may be suffering from an acquired brain injury. They will be useful to service providers working with women who have experienced strangulation and brain injury in the context of domestic, family, and sexual violence, or with women…

IMG: News Post - Webinar - Strangulation: Improving responses to an often-invisible form of gender-based violence

Strangulation: Improving responses to an often-invisible form or gender-based violence (An Ask Lois webinar)

This Ask LOIS webinar was a collaboration between Women’s Health NSW and Women’s Legal Service NSW. The webinar was broadcast live on Wednesday 1 May 2024. In the webinar, Women’s Health NSW present on their work supporting and strengthening professional understanding of, and local capacity to respond to, non-fatal strangulation in the context of sexual…


Medical referral template

This medical referral template was designed to support women’s self-advocacy with general practitioners when seeking medical assessment following non-fatal strangulation (NFS) and acquired brain injury (ABI). It will be useful to women’s health centres and other non-government organisations (NGOs) where women present after NFS and ABI in the context of sexual violence and require support…

IMG-Womens Agenda Media Article

Women’s Agenda: Strangulation can have a long-term impact on women’s health even if ‘it left no marks’

In April 2024, Women’s Agenda ran a media article entitled, Strangulation can have a long-term impact on women’s health even if ‘it left no marks’. This article, by Brianna Boecker, discusses strangulation, its connection to brain injury, and Women’s Health NSW’s response to this issue, including our online learning hub, It Left No Marks. Read…


Safety Exit

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